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Consumer Hero Florida Senator Darren Soto Stands up For Florida Citizens With Legislation

If you’re still registered Republican in Florida, and you care about consumers and The Law, you’re got a few screws loose.   Now, I’ve never had any interest in the Democratic Party, but because of the current version of fascist republicanism practiced in this state, I’ve registered as a Democrat.   You should do so by visiting here.   Otherwise, just stop reading this blog….you don’t get it.

Next, leave Senator Soto a few kind words here.


Anywhoo, read all about this new consumer friendly legislation:

Four proposals to protect homeowners from foreclosure-related abuses and increase resources to keep them in their homes were filed this week as lawmakers ready for a legislative session that already includes a long-debated ” fast-track” foreclosure bill.

The bills, filed Wednesday by Sen. Darren Soto, D-Orlando, would help homeowners by reducing their loan amounts through principal reductions, shrinking the number of years banks can pursue a homeowner for unpaid debt, and giving the attorney general more power to investigate law firms.

Soto, who as a House Representative from 2007 to 2012 pushed for a stronger investigation of alleged wrongdoing by the state’s large so-called ” foreclosure mills“, said his proposals are an alternative to legislation that seeks to fix the housing crisis by hastening repossessions.

” This vision stands in stark contrast to the numerous bills filed over the past few years with the sole intention of kicking thousands of Florida’s working families out of their homes for the sake of expediency,” said Soto, a real estate and family law attorney.

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