If Florida’s judges, Constitutional officers as they are, became aware that in a significant percentage of the cases that pass their benches, the banks were ripping off the State of Florida? Would the judges have a duty to not allow the foreclosures to continue?
And no, I’m not talking about fraud or forgery or robo signing or any of the other crimes that are so well documented, I’m talking about a new scam that has become apparent. A scam so bold, so arrogant, so persistent that, well….only a banker and their foreclosure mill attorneys would contemplate carrying it out. It’s not at all complex. It’s just another one of those things that’s so blatant, so simple that no one ever thought to look at it.
Now granted, it’s gone unchecked under my radar screen for years and I don’t know of any other foreclosure defense attorney who’s raised the issue. There are very few appellate cases on the issue….only one directly on point. But in each of those cases, and in every time I’ve brought it before a judge….the judges have agreed with me…..
Now, like most defenses, it’s not a free house. Heck, it’s not even a defense really as much as it is a responsibility that the banks have been ignoring…..and we’ve all been letting them get away with it. It’s simply a requirement that banks play by the rules before they use our state resources.
But as our state’s court system continues on this mad dash to grant foreclosure judgments to those irresponsible and downright criminal organizations known as the banks, mark my words…
The banks are pulling a scam over our courts, our judges, our legislature and on every single taxpayer in this state!
Our state’s court budgets are cut every year. And our courts, rather than stand up tall, proud and powerful. Rather than exercise their status a co equal branches of government and force the legislative and executive branches to show us the respect that we are entitled to, our courts just bend and bow, subservient.
If a Foreclosing Plaintiff did not pay the correct, statutorily-mandated filing fee, the Clerk of Court would not issue a Final Judgement of Foreclosure until that fee is paid. I this new area, our judges should not be using precious taxpayer resources to reward the banks….and they certainly should not be rewarding the banks with title to properties, because they have:
Systematically, Repetitively And Knowingly Ripped Off Our State In Foreclosure Cases