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Foreclosure Defense Florida

This Memorial Day Weekend, Think Not Just of Our Good American Soldiers, Think of The Millions of Human Beings We Have All Killed Across The Globe

The fact that America has become a terrorist, fascist state can no longer be ignored.

Across the globe, we kill indiscriminately. We wage wars of conquest for corporations based on lies.   And the war criminals go unpunished.

We kill children and women at weddings and funerals with drones.

Here at home, those that speak out against tyranny, against lawlessness, against corporate abuses are targeted, they are attacked, their lives destroyed, their families ruined.

Activists and attorneys, victims and their protectors are suffer arrest, persecution and prosecution while their attackers are rewarded.

There no longer exists in this country the Rule of Law.   The Law and judges and our justice system have grown silent and in silence have become willing participants in the fascism.

There is indeed a direct connection between the economic enslavement and the corporate lawlessness here at home and the war crimes and the profiteering all across the globe.   Their common denominators are evil and corruption.

The truth in this video is too much for most people.   But increasingly enlightened humans in this world are waking up….and that is most dangerous to those in power.