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Foreclosure Defense Florida

The First Country The Nazis Attacked Was Germany…

No attorney that holds a Bar card should ever walk into a courtroom unless she respects the awesome power of our once respected legal system.   Now that awe and respect extends whether you’re walking into county or traffic court straight on up to marching into state, appellate or federal court.   Proportionally, the small claims case is just as important to the middle class client as the multimillion dollar case is to the corporate client and that county court judge is cloaked in the very same robe of respect and tradition as the robe worn by the judges of the United States Supreme Court.
And any good attorney will tell you that no matter how many times she’s walked into a courtroom, no matter how familiar she is with the judge and the case, the preparation and the anxiety level and the intensity rises”¦you don’t disrespect the court and you don’t short change your client no matter how familiar you are”¦.you prepare for every hearing like you’re walking into the Master Chief’s office to have your arse handed to you. (Again)   And if you’re lucky enough and things go your way, you just count all that preparation as time well spent.
Now over the last several months, I’ve been obsessing over the fact that the general public is losing respect not just for our entire system of government, but for our nation’s court and justice system in particular.   And why should they not?   It is beyond dispute and frankly not subject to any debate anymore, that our nation and our government at all levels exist primarily to serve the interests of the corporate masters that control each and every component of our government, from the President of the United States of America, right down to the city council member and every vote whore in between.     Those corporate ” people” write the checks that keep the suits in office and it’s those ” people” they serve, not you and me.   ” Our” courts likewise have been co-opted by the same insidious forces that have corrupted the rest of our nation, although I don’t think the turn is quite so direct or the corruption quite so dramatic.   Most judges aren’t necessarily ” bought” (although every student of American decline must watch ” Hot Coffee”) and while most are not directly corrupted, there is an insidious incursion into our legal system caused by the overpowering, never ending appearance of the corporate cast of characters that form a line outside every single courtroom in this country every single day. I should think such familiarity would build contempt, but in my experience in foreclosure courtrooms, the familiarity has bred consent, not contempt.   Consent to a new and dangerous theory of jurisprudence that laws and rules should not, indeed cannot, be applied against the corporate interests that keep the courthouse lights on.
In a more honest time we called campaign finance corruption or bribery.   Today, our United States Supreme Court gave us a euphemism called, ” Citizens United” which meant that corporations could spend all the money they cared to in order to create the most brilliant propaganda the world has ever seen.   Taking it one step further, Mitt Romney announced that corporations are people. Which naturally made me wonder, ” Do pro-life people think that the most anti pro-life corporations should not be aborted before they have the chance to grow and spread their hateful messages?
Our politics are a reflection of who we are and they reflect that we as a nation are in danger, grave danger. (Is there any other kind?)  I’m afraid most of America has frankly become too dumb or drugged or lazy to recognize the peril we’re in and step away from the mushroom cloud.   And please, don’t take offense, I’m not talking about you”¦.I’m talking about everyone else.   If you don’t yet entirely agree with me, take a look around you next time you’re in the grocery store or out at the county fair”¦.You know you agree”¦and if you’ve got half sense, you should be terrified.
Americans sat back and watched our factories be dismantled piece by piece.   We watched as roads were sold off then prisons were sold, then hospitals and school systems.   Public assets sold off like a crack addict empties out mom’s house after she dies.   And when our jobs were gone, we slinked off to collect the unemployment check while the rest of the jobs were slowly packed into carts and shipped abroad rather than stick around to protest or to fight for the next job or protect the next dying industry.   Ross Perot was right, it is a big sucking sound”¦.that’s been sucking for two decades now.   Well there’s just not much left to suck anymore.
But now, let’s focus for just a moment on the court system.   I like the picture that showed our nation’s Supreme Court justices with corporate logos stitched onto their robes.   I like that picture in a dark and sardonic way.   You cannot really appreciate how insidious the corporate incursion into our courtrooms is until you’ve entered the gladiator pit with the corporate warriors, suited up in their modern day loincloths, the dark suit, white shirt, red tie.   And they don’t carry swords or shields, they carry litigation cases.   And frankly they don’t even carry them anymore. Today, they wheel them in, a devolution that’s just pathetic.   If you can’t handle the weight of your own bag, you just shouldn’t be hauling it into a courtroom”¦.but that’s just me.

And out of those bags spews the result of the countless hours of legal research their assembled gang along with their support staff and armies back at the office have assembled”¦billed away at $600 per hour.   And their law largely says that they are the law.   As much as I want to beat back the massing oppressive forces, as much as I want to point out in page line and verse exactly where the judge is wrong, delivering a counter punch when the body blows start coming, I’m forced to confront the awful, sickening reality that the game is stacked completely against us”¦.they’ve all been writing this law for hundreds of years, and they didn’t write the law to help you or I.   They took away the counterpunch before I could even wind up.
Today our laws, like our elected leaders and our court system, exist to serve the corporate masters that own and control every aspect of our lives.   As envisioned our court system and our judges were to serve as a bulwark against the dangerous incursions of the unrestrained, but then just think of the courage and the resourcefulness that would have taken from our judges.   The cases that survive and thus the cases that make reported decisional law are the cases the dark side wishes to keep alive.   All the rest get pounded into submission or snuffed out if they present any real resistance.   And so after many successive years, we’re left with the law written as they want it.
First they wrote the laws, then they wrote themselves out of any consequence.   Then they starved and choked our court system until our judges were too strained and stretched to see anything but their law.   The final act is coming down from above with NDAA and SOPA, now CISPA and strip searches and felony protest and attacks against the few who   are willing to still let out a whimper.   They’re coming for you too, but for many they’ve already come. Too many are already imprisoned, locked deep away in the catacombs of debt and depression and hopelessness”¦.all energy and resistance and strength sapped away long ago.
It all makes the small victories that much more rewarding, seeing judges who still carry that flame”¦and especially those courageous and bold few who hold the flame high so it burns like a torch.   Yes, they do exist, these judges who still see a light and who fan the flame.   They frankly are all we have left in this world, they are and remain the keepers of the flame.