Here’s the website for SRI International, just look at all the incredible stuff they are doing right here in our own backyard. Just how unfair is the playing field that a company like this is fighting against? Just how much further ahead would this country be if we channeled just a fraction of our spending on Big Oil, to companies like this that are on the cutting edge?
And just look at this video. The time for us all to accept the status quo has long since passed. It’s time that we all wake up, throw off the chains of corruption, inefficiency and corporatism that are sinking this country.
And fascinating, that all this is taking place literally right on the very hallowed ground, marked by a plain marker where the first commercial airline service took place….only ten years after the Wright Brothers first took flight. That’s innovation. That’s America
Just think about that….ten years. Well, if we could start the first commercial airline here more than 100 years ago, then we can damn sure turn ST. PETERSBURG INTO THE HUB FOR SOLAR AND RENEWABLE ENERGY IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY.
It starts right now and it serves as the model for public/private innovation that will carry this rotting country out from the very deep pit we are currently in.