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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Phillips v. Centennial- The Insider’s Briefs, This Is Why Our Streets Are OCCUPIED!

phillips-briefThere are still far too many people around this country who do not understand why large segments of our population are expressing their discontent and are taking to the streets.

There numbers will continue to grow and there will still be many people who either really don’t understand or who willfully refuse to understand.   Worse still are the people who are buying into the notion that the angst and anger being expressed are not real or authentic.   These are the seeds of division and discontent that have been sown…and the division and divisiveness is being nurtured by government at all levels that is unable to grasp the significance and unwilling to respond.   Now granted, at this point in time there is precious little of a response that could be taken which would quell the smoldering discontent.

And the vast majority have no idea just how bad things really are.   With all this talk about the 1%, we’re completely losing site of the .01%…or those people who have any conception or understanding of the black magic being played that is our global financial system.   Sure, most folks have seen the vacation postcards from Greece and Italy and the European Union, but who but the .01% have any idea how the Vampire Squid has wrapped it’s tentacles around these picturesque postcard vacation spots?   And who among us can name all these countries, much less draw the lines on the map that show the dollars and euros coursing back and forth, the force the currency current buttressed by the hedge. Oh yes, the hedge.   The $72 trillion dollar Bank of American hedge, now owned by every single one of us.   And when the hedge trimmers come out who will be there to pick up the debris?   But never you mind, you peasants, you serfs, you slaves.   After all, isn’t there a game to watch?

Well that’s all far too big picture for anyone to really grasp.   Let’s focus for a good long time about something right here close to home.   Let’s talk about hapless defendants in a foreclosure case who went from owing $250,000 to owing more than $500,000 with the stroke of a judge’s pen, in a proceeding that happened behind their backs and in fact behind everyone’s backs…except that is for the banks and their lawyers who have special procedures in court, not accessible by you or I.   I’ve written about the Star Chambers….real courtrooms that existed in England, the very real horror stories from these courtrooms were in fact some of the most important factors that shaped the development of our entire legal system here in the United States.

Read Here and Here to understand that the Star Chambers are very much alive and well here in the United States of America.   But more importantly and with far greater authority, please read the commentary from a good appellate court judge with a very current and terrifying description of the Star Chambers in a short story entitled:   PhilllipsvCentenial. Now mind you, this is no piece of fiction.   It is very real. And it’s not ancient history, in fact it’s happening right now.

Every single American and certainly every single lawyer in this country must read the dissent in this opinion and ask just what kind of country has this become?

 I share with you all the briefs below and very much encourage you to read them carefully, parsing out the facts and understanding exactly what they mean.   And for those who do not understand why our streets are OCCUPIED and for those that wonder how the OCCUPATION will end, well just read the good words of the appellate judge:

To affirm what happened here requires that we turn a blind eye
to the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, the Florida Bar Rules of Professional
Conduct, and the Code of Judicial Conduct, to say nothing of the Constitutions of
the United States and the State of Florida.


phillipsReply BRIEF
