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My Most Devastating and Disturbing Appellate Loss….Florida's 2nd DCA Rejects Entirely The AHMSI v. Hassell Appeal…..(totally disgusted)

Remember the AHMSI v. Hassell appeal (watch video above)?   Remember those oral arguments held just a few days ago?   Remember the solid legal argument on many, many issues that demanded that our nation’s court system reach out and send a message? (It’s all right here….just in case you missed it.)

None of that matters.

In record time, Florida’s 2nd District Court of Appeals rejected all of those arguments and granted (once again) carte blanch for the banks and their debt collectors to do whatever they like in furtherance of their schemes.
This opinion is a perpetuation of all that is wrong in this country.

There is no law. There is only The Banks.   There is only Them.

After hundreds of pages of well written briefs, case law, a trial, clear bad conduct…. nothing else matters……

We should all be terribly, terribly ashamed of what we have allowed to happen in this country.   And even more, shame on our court system for turning their backs on the foundations of a justice system that was supposed to stand for something more….

