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If I would have told you 5-years ago that Beaches in Palm Beach County would become OFF LIMITS to the public you would have laughed me out of the room. Now, with the Line in the Sand being drawn, the thought of beaches being stolen from the people is no longer a laughing matter.

Beaches in Palm Beach County OFF LIMITS!

Remember when legislators proclaimed…THIS NEW LAW DOESN’T DO ANYTHING!

(wrong, wolf in sheep’s clothing)

The Story: Beaches in Palm Beach County Now Off Limits

Just read the following Palm Beach Post story:

Some Singer Island residents fear they are losing access to their favorite beach following a new law that requires judicial approval to keep a privately-owned swath of sand open to the public.

The statute, which went into effect July 1, says local governments must get a judge’s approval to enforce a rare “customary use” law that refers to the general right of the public to use dry sand areas in Florida for recreation.

Sen. Kathleen Passidomo, R-Naples, who sponsored the Senate version of the bill, said it simply spells out a process for municipalities to follow to keep beaches open to the public rather than making up their own rules when a private beach owner wants to restrict access.

But the law has caused widespread confusion and angst, forcing Gov. Rick Scott to issue an executive order urging state attorneys “to protect Floridians’ constitutional rights to beach access” and doing one thing opponents feared most — emboldening private beach owners to cut off the public.


How do you feel about Beaches in Palm Beach County being off limits?

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