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A line in the sand has been drawn and now, Florida’s Beaches have been STOLEN.

Line in the Sand – House Bill 631

STOLEN BEACHES – How House Bill 631, also known as the “line in the sand” or “wet sand law” takes the beaches away from THE PEOPLE! When you first watch the shocking videos below, you will probably think it’s some crazy misunderstanding but it’s a reality and the problems are just getting started.

VIDEO: Line in the Sand – House Bill #631

To those that suggest this bill is harmless….tell that to all these property owners who are constructing barriers along the public beaches:

And just watch this video, posted by Florida’s Public Beach Warrior, attorney Dan Uhlfelder:

Dan Uhlfelder is Florida’s Public Beach Warrior…He’s standing up to protect the right of the public to enjoy beaches! Watch this video as he is threatened by Florida Sheriff’s:

See Dan’s Website HereĀ 

I don’t know what’s worse…citizens being attacked by vigilantes…or Law Enforcement showing up and threatening arrest?

Take a look at a series of videos to see how unhinged vigilantes are prowling Florida’s beaches and attacking beachgoers:

Crazed Beach Vigilante

Take a look at how deep these property lines go, and how many hundreds of yards of beach exist to be shared with the general public:

Read the Staff Analysis


Then the federal case behind this (ironically it involves First Amendment Issues)


And, just have a look through the registered lobbyist list to see the real forces behind this awful law. Rich property owners, hiring the most powerful lobbyists in the state for the express purpose of keeping the general public off beaches:

Lobbyist List

And Rick Scott’s Executive Order is absolutely nonsense…it does nothing to protect the public!


And here, watch a town hall session where legislators struggle to come up with reasonable explanations to their constituents.

(Pay particular attention to the 1:20 mark where a developer explains the details behind the development HE created…he powerfully argues that the a key piece of property in this dispute is PUBLIC access!)

Town Hall Meeting

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