The news that April Charney, the Mother Theresa of foreclosure defense is the target of some professional criticism serves as a very painful personal reminder just how dangerous a business it is to stand up, fight for consumers and swear your allegiance to the rights of The Law and The Common Man.
April’s lifework has been the passionate defense of the Common Man and The Rule of Law and like everyone else who has stood up to fight against the Dark Side for what is right, April is now feeling the slings and the arrows of The Attack. (Read Story Here) This news comes on the heels of other widely-reported news that New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is under intense pressure from the Obama Administration to stop opposing the terms of a settlement that will let the banksters walk with nothing more than a petty slap on the wrist.
What you see playing out before you is an intense and building conflict between the elites and the rest of the world. I started to say the elites and the common man, but that seems to exclude far too many people. The fact of the matter is the global banking elite, with the assistance of all our elected and appointed leaders, have rigged our economic, political, social and legal systems so that they all work squarely against everyone else down at the bottom. This is no longer a problem where minorities or blue collar workers are being targeted by high cost loans. It’s no longer isolated to members of the military being funnelled through check cashing centers that charge 300% interest. This is a system where all elements of daily life, food, water, gasoline, banking are engineered to extract the most from all consumers and where the profit thereon is accumulated and concentrated at the very top of the pyramid.
Well, what can you do with all this? Well, something is going to happen. Just what….well, that what is really subject to all sorts of opinions and analysis. From where I sit, I don’t see any good outcome. I don’t see any outcome that does not end in bitter, intense and intractable conflict. I’m not just talking about foreclosure here. I’m talking about a country where more than half the people are dependent upon handouts and benefits for survival. I’m talking about a country whose entire economic and industrial core has been gutted, the jobs shipped overseas, the capital and infastructure chopped up and sold for scrap metal….and why? So corporations can show a bigger profit on their quarterly statements. So what can you do? I suppose you can just do like my friend below and laugh….
Why I Laugh- Chink In The Armor
Because if I didn’t I would be blind with outrage. I tried the outrage. It takes a lot of negative energy which made me negative and I knew if I didn’t change, it would consume me. Like so many things I have learned in going down the rabbit hole, too often, you have to look at the issue from a different perspective in order to see the picture. If you learn to do that, what looks like chaos suddenly becomes clear. Who says how I have to look at it? Laughter or outrage? The choice is mine.
When you change your perspective on this part, suddenly a lot of things become funny. I was on the phone w/ this guy as he sat in the back of his Peterbuilt driving the road for casino shows. He had just lost his house and his family at the courthouse steps and the Cash for Keys lady, a woman of eastern descent supposedly representing JP Morgan was banging on the door speaking nearly incomprehensible heavily accented English to his soon to be ex wife while handing over documents demanding all involved parties sign immediately.
One of the documents which the woman handed over, scanned and sent to me, was the form the courthouse crier filled out when the house went back to beneficiary. Who was the beneficiary?
” The Bank”
I’m serious. How is that not roll on the floor laughing? Seriously. It’s gotten that ridiculous.