Some time ago I started paying attention to farmers and our food supply. After watching what the corporate interests were being allowed to get away with in the housing market, I wanted to see just what they were doing with a far more valuable commodity…food. And sure enough, the same evil practices that destroyed our housing market and overall economy are magnified in the food production arena.
The bottom line is corporate interests, team up with financial interests to grind outsized profits out of a system, without regard for the long term impacts. Government regulators and elected officials, which should serve to buffer such impacts, are corrupt and just stand aside while this happens. The results can be quite devastating.
We should all be paying attention to where our food comes from…all of it…and understand what will happen when the magic box called our grocery stores stops working. At some point in time, our food delivery system will be disrupted. There are just too many variables that are tenuous for a disruption not to occur. But the worst of course would be widespread failure of an entire crop. It is happening and no one has any good official explanation. But we can look at what’s happened in the housing and financial markets and extrapolate out….the corporate hijacking of our food system. Oh, and then throw in the awesome power and unpredictability of mother nature. And there are other signs of apocalyptic problems with our food supply system…do you know what’s happening with our honey bees? Well, don’t feel bad if you don’t because scientists don’t either….and that should be very, very troubling.
The fact is that an extraordinary percentage of our nation (and the world’s) food supply production capability has been concentrated into one or two large multinational corporations. They are manipulating government law and policy at all levels to put a greater stranglehold on the means of production while at the same time complexities are causing them problems that are not at all understood. We are losing the diversity in production that would mediate against widespread problems and the losses are occurring by design. Consider the following article:
The dangers of large corporate domination of the world’s food supplyare again in focus as another GMO failure hits South Africa. This time the problem is GMO yellow corn seed that is failing to germinate, causing a shortage in seed for the upcoming planting. Losses are expected to reach 50% of all GMO yellow corn seed famers were counting on. These losses are not easily replaced and have left them with little or nothing to fill the gap.