The world on a the brink of collapse and this is the best the Republicans have to offer. That’s what I think every time I look at the field of Republican candidates…and then I become even more anxious and concerned. I shouldn’t really because the parties are a distraction, and the candidates are nothing more than clowns in a circus, but in these dire times when we are in need of rescue more than anyone can possibly fathom, it’s just mind blowing that this crowd is the only alternative….The rise of Rick Perry is especially disturbing….just watch a few of his little public performances…
And just for a special kicker, watch this video of
Which brings us to a sort of dark horse in the campaign….Newt Gingrich. Now there’s much negative about Gingrich, but one thing that I don’t think is even in dispute….he’s the smartest, most experienced and well versed of all the current candidates. Again, ignoring all personality and removing all the negatives (especially the personal stuff), there is not a single candidate that has Gingrich’s encyclopedic knowledge of American history and policy.
Now Gingrich is deeply unpopular with very high negatives. But for those looking for an alternative to Obama, he’s a dark horse alternative to this morass that we’re in right now. And with the exception of Mitt Romney, he’s the only one that stands even a ghost of a chance in a general election…
Make no mistake, I don’t particularly like Gingrich. Or any of them for that matter. But the plane is on fire, and it’s falling out of the sky. We can either keep the seatbelt firmly in place and the trays and seats and the upright and locked position, or grab a hold of whatever parachute bag seems like it has a chance of deploying somewhere before Terra Firma shows up.
One thing that’s absolutely certain right now….we do not have a president running this country, we have central bankers and Goldman Sachs that have a firm grasp on every single aspect of our government. Ours is a government of the bankers, for the bankers and by the bankers. Paulson, Bernake, Geitherner. We need to break through whatever immunity deals they have and get them on trial…….
Importantly watch this video…