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California Declares War on Foreclosure Defense Attorneys – A Terrifying Example of Fascism in Full Effect….


First thing we do, let’s kill all the foreclosure defense attorneys…

Billy Shakespear

They tried for years to kill off foreclosure defense attorneys in Florida (Link here) and they will do it again here in Florida.   Now it seems, they’ve succeeded in California.   Really.   The banks conspired to strip consumers of the fundamental right to have representation of an attorney.

I’d Say I’m flabbergasted, but this kind of thing is what happens when the fascists own what was our governments:

In an unprecedented move that can only be described as stunning ignorance, the California State Bar recently released a legal opinion that will effectively deny legal representation to millions of homeowners faced with foreclosure. The controversy is around SB 94, a law put into effect in 2009 that was meant to protect homeowners from predatory loan modification companies.
As with any crisis, when people are in trouble or desperate, other people jump into action to take what little money those desperate people have left. While SB 94 was little more than an imperfect knee-jerk reaction to systemic fraud, it was supposed to protect homeowners from scammers who promised to get loans modified, took hefty upfront fees, and were never heard from again. These scumbags were generally former mortgage brokers, also known as Department of Real Estate Licensees (DRE), looking to make up some of the losses from the meltdown by recycling the suckers they had sold homes to during the drunken housing orgy.

Huffington Post