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Foreclosure Defense Florida

BOMBSHELL- This is Why The State Attorney Generals Cannot Settle….

nevada-foreclosureWe should all be aware that Attorney Generals from across the country are under tremendous pressure to cave into the banksters and sign off on a secret deal/bribe/extortion.   How do we know that this is a secret deal/bribe/extortion occurring from the White House all the way down to the states?

Well, you can click on the story below and read Nevada’s Attorney General and her detailed list of questions that have been sent to the feds.   Yeah, apparently Nevada Attorney General Catherine Masto kinda takes her job of standing up to protect the citizens of her state seriously…she’s said she ain’t signing off on any secret deals until she has some teensy weensy idea what the terms of that deal are.

Now other state Attorney Generals ain’t so concerned about such things….nope, and they ain’t worried about details….


This really is a crazy, crazy world out there folks, but you really, really need to read ABIGAIL FIELD’S article and especially read Nevada Attorney General Catherine Masto’s detailed letter…..