What the world just does now want to understand is that this entire nation is being lied to, cheated and stolen from by The Banks who are conspiring with the state and federal government to steal not just our homes, but our pensions, all savings and any assets we have accumulated.
I’m not just making a gratuitous statement here. What the National Mortgage Settlement and OCC foreclosure Consent Judgments make absolutely clear, and the admissions signed off on by the banks, is that THEY STOLE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS FROM TAXPAYERS. This is the one thing that remains most mind-blowing about these settlements….It seems that no one has gone anywhere beyond the “$25 Billion Robo Signing” headline. No one seems to pay any attention to the real story,
“Banks Admit to Submitting Billions of Dollars in False Insurance Claims!”
and then…
(but they agree to give a few million back)
Dear God, I just realized it’s been more than a year since I started writing about this….A year and no one in this world has bothered to read the federal Office of Inspector General Audit Reports, attached here Please read them. Somewhere in Washington, DC, there are career service staff members that went to great pains to prepare these reports. They probably thought that by detailing such a massive crime spree, they would be doing something. Sadly, they were mistaken.
Instead, all we got in this country…all this entire nation of millions got, was The Biggest Sellout, Scam, Corruption-laden gift basket of a Consent Judgment ever known to mankind. It’s called the National Mortgage Settlement, and you can read the details right here. Not only did the banks steal billions, get caught and agree to pay back fines with the money they stole from us….not only did they use more of the stolen money to throw kickbacks to their industry cronies and friends, they are reneging on the very terms of the settlement itself.
Jamie Dimon thinks to himself,
“God, It’s great to be a gangster.”
And while judges, policymakers and the general public want to live in a delusional world where these crime sprees are out of sight, out of mind, what this whole world needs to understand is that:
If they can get away with stealing billions of dollars from the federal government, what makes you think they’re not already stealing from you?
Which is what blows my mind every time I read any reporting on returns related to Wall Street accounts….it’s all just delusional fantasy…Take pensions for instance…in a story from Sarasota Tribune:
Today, these municipal pensions are viewed as overly generous “” and spell trouble for taxpayers and governments because there is not enough money projected to cover the payments promised to retirees.
A Herald-Tribune analysis of the 15 municipal pension funds in the Sarasota-Manatee area showed projected shortfalls of more than $280 million.
Two-thirds of the funds are ” critically” underfunded, meaning they are projected to have less than 70 percent of what is needed to make payouts during the next 25 years. At least three pensions could have less than half of what is owed.