Well, one registrar in particular, John O’Brien is attracting national attention because he’s advocating what can only be deemed absolute heresy….anarchy…..he’s suggesting that MERS and the lenders should be required to (GASP!) comply with centuries old property laws…. Read the following article from the Huffington Post:
Registers, registrars and recorders from across the country gathered in Atlantic City on Tuesday for the Annual Conference of The International Association of Clerks, Recorders, Election Officials and Treasurers (IACREOT).
Several of those attending made the trip specifically to see Massachusetts Register John O’Brien’s presentation on his findings of massive fraud he and Marie McDonnell of McDonnell Property Analytics, uncovered at the Massachusetts Southern Essex County Registry of Deeds
According to O’Brien, McDonnell discovered that 75 percent of the assignments in the registry are fraudulent.