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Foreclosure Defense Florida

The Casey Anthony Verdict and Foreclosures, There is a Connection

The entire world has been focused on the Casey Anthony trial and especially the not guilty verdict.     The news and chatrooms all over the world are exploding with commentary and outrage over what is widely perceived to be yet another failure of our judicial system and more to the point…it’s yet another black eye for Florida’s beleaguered courts.

I wish the world (or at least people within Florida) would spend just one tenth of the energy devoted to Casey Anthony on issues that are far more important to a far bigger cross section of our population…the crisis of chaos that is playing out in foreclosure courtrooms all across this country and especially in Florida.

One fact that is established fact Florida’s courts are chronically underfunded…and getting worse.   For starters, the entire judicial budget is less than 1% of the entire state budget.   Then, in 2009, the Florida Legislature changed the funding of our courts to a fee for service system where virtually the entire budget would be based on filing fees.   The result is system that has crashed into free fall after the banks and foreclosure mills got caught engaging in grossly systemic and abusive practice….they got caught and while there has been no punishment or sanction for their conduct, the impact in the short run has been a dramatic decrease in filing fees.   Just have a read of this article for more information about the impact this “pay to play” system is having on our courts.

And as outraged as the general public is at the Casey Anthony verdict, they should be equally or more outraged at how the banks and Wall Street Wizards have made a disaster of our court system by systematically failing to observe basic elements of due process and disrespecting our court system to   a degree that the press and public now faces our courts with a concerned or skeptical eye.

And while we’re at it, let’s consider the cumulative impact of the budget policies that are gutting not just our courts, judges and court staff in this state, but also police, firefighters, paramedics and every other public service worker.   Just last week, an article ran statewide reporting on the plight of more than 1,300 people who lost their jobs starting on July 1, 2011, read the article here and consider the cumulative impact of all these cuts and the continued hits state workers are taking all across this country.   Now I’m a pretty conservative guy fiscally, but the public cannot expect flawless service and impeccable quality from the public sector when they continue to take serious blows in key areas.   Get accustomed to more crimes going unchecked and investigated and less punishment, not more because we just are not spending the money required to fulfill the high expectations we have of our court and criminal justice system.   Oh, and the white collar criminals and leadership that caused all the misery Americans are suffering???? They’re going to have an even easier moonwalk away from their crime scenes….less investigators, less prosecutors and a lack of initiative from those in power to do anything at all about it.

Everyone screaming, “Justice for Kaylee!”, What about “Justice for Anybody?”