In yet another example of a wide ranging and systemic violation of basic and long-standing Florida law, please turn your attention to the proliferation of powers of attorneys in the context of foreclosure cases. Here’s where they are commonly seen:
- Unintelligible scribbles appear as signatures on Verifications of Complaints, “lasdllsdfllds, CitiEquities under Power of Attorney from New Universe Mortgage”
- Affidavits of Amounts Due and Owing are signed, “kdkakakd, American Home under Power of Attorney from Oasis Mortgage”
- Assignments of Mortgage are executed, “waskfsdkhfsd, Freedom Mortgage under Power of Attorney from Aegent Mortgage”
- Suzie Smith, Vice President of RoboPerjury Testifying under Power of Attorney from Exploitation Mortgage Company, Plaintiff
At some point in time I should just give up on thinking our laws in this country matter anymore because in the context of foreclosures, the laws are so violently and flagrantly ignored that we just might as well dispense with the whole fiction of a court process and just turn the homes over to the banks…..(Oh right, we’re already doing that in expedited foreclosure proceedings and there’s a HUGE move ahead to institutionalize this with the passage of Florida’s (un)Fair Foreclosure Act.)
But anywhoo, here’s the problem with all these Powers of Attorneys….they’re not legal. Corporations cannot be appointed as an Agent for a Principal under a Power of Attorney. In Florida, only natural persons can…along with another limited exception that is never met and certainly never enforced:
709.2105″ƒQualifications of agent; execution of power of attorney.””
When a country continues to just ignore its own laws, the result is anarchy and chaos…..and before that it’s a growing movement called OCCUPY!
When the chaos burns out of control, don’t blame the protesters, blame those in power who arrogantly let it all spin out of control.