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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Wild Deeds and Foreclosure Chaos- Failing to Protect Our Sacred Public Records.

chip-shore-releaseI’ve been writing for years now on the catastrophic failure that is coming because we have failed to treat our nation’s official public records sacred.   The records have been desecrated by an entire industry of opportunists that utterly failed to appreciate that our public records form the very foundation upon which our entire nation was built.   An excellent analysis of this issue is found in Hernando Desoto’s The Mystery of Capital, a book which traces the roots of our nation’s economic, political and social success to the sanctity of our public records.

But all of that is gone now. Our public officials are starting to wake up to this.   Jeff Thigpen, property recorder from North Carolina is on the front lines and remember the famous quote from property recorder John O’Brien who asserted that his formerly sacred and secure court records office had been turned into a “crime scene”.   Closer to home here, Manatee County’s Clerk of Court Chip Shore, in recognition of the nationwide nature of this crime scene recently recommended that all his residents review the title to their properties to ensure they are not directly impacted by this crime spree, here’s the annoucement:

Thursday, March 03, 2011″”As Florida’s foreclosure crisis continues, Manatee County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, R.B. ” Chips” Shore, suggests that property owners conduct regular and routine public records searches every six months to a year for faulty liens and other documents that may be filed against their property.

” Just as you would run a credit report to protect your identity and credit rating, I strongly suggest that Manatee County property owners go to and conduct a public records search on their property,” says Shore. An easy step-by-step guide on how to conduct a public records search is located at the end of this article.

Chip Shore Release

Ironically, State Senator Michael Bennett‘s district is right in Shore’s county…I can remember meeting the good Senator Bennett years ago when we went to Tallahassee to fight the banksters and their attempts to turn Florida into a non-judicial foreclosure state.   Senator Bennett became downright hostile when our group suggested that the banksters had turned our courts into crime scenes…I wonder whether he’s taken his own clerk’s advice….and I wonder whether he’s changed his position in the whole Banksters Are Criminals debate?   But anywhoo, that’s not what this post is all about.

No, that’s not true this is exactly what this entire post is about….the consequences of failing to follow and respect hundreds of years of real property law that are developed in this country….So much for “Personal Responsibility” and “The Rule of Law”….those terms don’t apply if you’re on the side of the banksters……