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What Will You Do When They Announce Your Bank Account/Retirement Account Is Gone?

Every week now it’s a new, global banking scandal.   And not just a few dollars missing here or there, but hundreds of millions of dollars gone and underlying systemic fraudulent and criminal conduct.   A brief review…..MFGlobal and John Corzine…hundreds of millions…POOF!   JPMorgan and Jamie Dimon’s London whale….billions….POOF! Peregrine Financial….hundreds of millions…POOF!   Better yet, he’d been fabricating bank statements for years.   These are all just the bit players….the appetizers before the real announcements start rolling that the accounts for people like you and I are gone.   This is a certainty….why?   Because they’re already gone….the totals and balances inflated by air and fiction…but worse than that, knowing how bad the balances and fundamentals are, the looting has undoubtedly already begun.   Why?   Human nature.   With that little list that I rattled off   there has there been any real consequence?   NOPE….John Corzine and the London Whale walks free.   And as long as it all goes unpunished, the conduct will continue….and get worse as the Wall Street gamblers know the walls are crashing down from all around.
And speaking of London, let’s talk about what’s happening and what’s not happening there…..”our” chief apologist for the bankers Timmy Geithner clearly knew and knows all the parlor tricks…they’ve known it all along…but they just keep letting it ride.   Remember, LIBOR shows the criminal banking class lying, cheating, stealing in ways that impact schools, hospitals, cities, all across the world.   They pocketed hundreds of millions or billions and in doing so are sucking precious money away from every one of us.
Any punishment? NO WAY!   In fact, read Abigail Field’s description of how they’re actually being rewarded:

The Lying Bankers Scandal  should be called the Bailout Theater scandal. I don’t mean the perhaps decades-long part where traders manipulated LIBOR by 0.01% or so, up and down, for personal profit. I mean the part that started in 2007 when the bankers lied by much more so they’d look healthier than they in fact were. That part is bailout theater because  Friday’s data dump by the New York Fed proves the Fed and other ” regulators” knew what was happening and effectively approved.
Why? Apparently the Fed decided that allowing criminal fraud was necessary to calm markets, even though the fraud did nothing to actually make the banks safer or sounder: Bailout Theater. And for that, the top guy at the NY Fed at the time, our current Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, needs to be fired by President Obama and indicted if possible by Eric Holder. Not that I’m holding my breath on either point.