AN INJUNCTION FOR PROTECTION IS a Civil Court Order (often referred to as a “restraining order” and herein referred to as “Injunction”) that places restrictions on an individual (referred to as the Respondent) who has allegedly committed acts or (in some cases) made threats of violence against another individual (referred to as the Petitioner). An Injunction is requested by the Petitioner who files a “Petition” with the Court asking for protection from the Respondent.
AN INJUNCTION MAY INCLUDE PROVISIONS THAT: restrain the Respondent from further acts of violence; order the Respondent to leave a shared dwelling; prevent the Respondent from coming to your home, school or place of employment; and/or award temporary custody of minor children.
AN INJUNCTION SHOULD NOT BE USED as a tool to manipulate the Respondent or the Judicial System, gain access to property, or to settle issues of child custody or spousal support, but rather to protect you against a genuine and well-founded fear of continued violence or abuse.
VIOLENCE IS DEFINED by Florida Statute 784.046(1)(a) as “any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death, by a person against another person.”
VIOLENCE DOES NOT INCLUDE ALL OFFENSIVE BEHAVIOR. Trespassing, criminal mischief, threats, tampering with a witness and harassing phone calls are all criminal offenses which should be reported to law enforcement, but may not necessarily, alone, qualify for the issuance of an Injunction.rotection