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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Trillions Upon Trillions of Dollars….Just……GONE….

I have spent years and drafted thousands of blog posts railing in protest against the tragic wrongs that are occurring in this country.   I have watched first hand as attorney colleagues were targeted for persecution for speaking up and I have personally been the target of very real attacks and persecutions…..all because we chose to fulfill a higher calling, stand up for the rights of all and fight the powers that are destroying this country.

Even as I write this, I think of another colleague who is suffering a most direct and specific attack…all because he is choosing to stand up and shake his fists in rage at a system beset by inequities and injustice.   I may not always agree with the manner in which people choose to protest or the subjects they are protesting, but we must always fight to protect one another’s rights to protest.   Attorneys must especially be granted wide latitude to speak out and to challenge laws and systems of injustice because we see first hand the impact on such a wide range of people.   But sadly this is not the case as attorneys are singled out especially for standing up and challenging a system gone so wildly wrong.

The Occupy protests that we all see happening across this country are a natural reaction to an economic, political, social and legal systems that have gone wildly out of control.   Few people understand the depth of the problems that face our economic, political, social and legal systems, but you can start to get a grasp of the problems by focusing on the outsized debt obligations of the United States alone then understanding the political, social and legal consequences of this extraordinary debt.

The United States has spent more than $7 Trillion dollars on war in the last decade. In the decades to come we will spend trillions more in veterans care and the ancillary costs associated with war.   What if, instead of war, the United States had focused on improving health care or developing alternative energy or ending worldwide hunger or dramatically improving the highway and transportation systems in this country?

Instead, trillions and trillions of dollars are just GONE. Gasoline to fuel tanks and battleships and helicopters and jets….GONE.   Billions of dollars in gunpowder and sulfur bombs….GONE.   Thousands of gallons of blood spilled on desserts, the people now….GONE.   Untold tens of thousands of souls killed……GONE.

And for what?   What do we have to show for it?   Are we safer?   Are we in a better place economically? Have we fulfilled any national vital interests? Have we advanced the cause of freedom or democracy?   Have we shown the world any higher purpose or values?

The last decade in this country has been a violent, oppressive, vicious lie. We are stuck now in the bottom of a long, dark and perilous pit. Staring up into a foreboding sky with few good options.

Things will not be getting better anytime soon and the corrupt “leadership” that put us in this position will resort to desperate means to protect the corrupt world they created…..

We had all better watch out….

Here is a very nice and succinct explanation of just how corrupt our entire banking and finance system is:


And just to wrap things up here, watch this video to understand exactly how the banking cabal and their corruption really works:

Here From Bank of America And We’ll Help You Out