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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Totalitarian State- Police Swarm, Harass and Retaliate Supporters of Emily Good

If you missed the story, a polite and well mannered woman was arrested because she was standing in her front yard recording a group of police officers who were arresting a man in front of her home.   The full video can be found here.   Now if this video is not crystal clear evidence of a police state running wild, I don’t know what is.

But wait, things get worse.   After the video went viral, a group of supporters were meeting in Rochester to discuss how they could support Emily Good and what they could do to champion the cause of freedom.   If the Good video doesn’t terrify you, just watch how a group of uniformed officers swarm on the street and begin ticketing the cars of Good supporters….they go so far as to pull out a ruler and start ticketing cars because they are like one inch….one inch….off the curb.   Just watch how the cops all swarm and attack and harass these people….because they are daring to speak out….I dare you….watch the video below….

Emily Good Retaliation