Let’s first get these admissions out of the way…
Yes, many consumers borrowed more money than they could afford.
Yes, many millions of consumers are living in homes, and they have not made mortgage payments in months…or even years.
But Should America’s Courts Stop Enforcing Laws Just so That Banks Can Complete Foreclosures?
This really is the question that we are all facing in this country and the most unfortunate thing for policy makers and for our court system alike is that the entirety of American government has decided, and especially “our” court system, has decided that is is a prudent course of action to turn the collective judicial heart away from long-standing rules, laws and procedures in order to “foam the runways”, (as Timothy Geithner put it) for the banks. This is not just a local or state policy. The direction comes from above and the directives could not be more clear. As former treasury secretary Timothy Geithner put it….(again)…The United States Government must throw billions of dollars at the financial criminals (although he certainly didn’t call them that) so that the United States can continue the delusion.
But what about the Man on The Street? What about that citizen down here in the sticks that is the ultimate target of this new and dangerous form of corporate fascism? What does he think of his government and of “his” court system? Well, just read what one of them wrote and posted, and know that this is the real sadness, the real tragedy about all this. That the people lawyers and judges took an oath to protect and serve have been abandoned and are now attacked by lawyers, by judges, by the entire justice system that they naively though would protect them:
Today, Friday, August 26, 2013, in tens of thousands of Courtrooms in thousands of courthouses in every county and almost every city of any size in the United States of America, people are losing their homesteads to the Banks, in an American Judicial System that appears to exist to protect and serve the banks. It is not a matter of enforcing harsh laws passed by democratically elected legislatures.
The Courts are twisting the law into pretzels everywhere for the benefit of the Banks. It is not just that people are not paying their bills and being foreclosed as a consequence. It is not even a result of a bad economy. No, the Banks carefully designed innovations in credit financing, sometimes with, sometimes without the assistance of Congress or State Legislators, which innovations were specifically timed and engineered so as to cause forfeiture of property interests and shift the blame to the homeowners. It is called “confiscation and expropriation.” It is the end of the American Constitution and American Dream. But even beyond Several people I know have been indicted because the banks lost money, and induced prosecutors to bring charges against real estate investors who lost money themselves when the market collapsed. So twisted is the American system today that the criminal Banks are actually looking scapegoats among their own victims—people who sought to ride the coattails of the Bank-Fostered real estate boom ten years ago are now being prosecuted for the failure of the bank-designed and implemented scheme.
What we propose is a program of nation-wide litigation to turn the system around, back from the Banks to the People. The middle class majority (before the banks wipe us out completely), must force the courts to conform to the Common and Constitutional Law of the Land. If we can litigate to uplift the law from the hellish pit into which it has fallen, we can create a new and alternative system of legal and constitutional means of acquiring homes and real estate, paths to financing which do not go through the Federal Reserve System of Banks, but which reflect deeper and more lasting, even eternal, values.
We ask your help in finding investors in creating such an alternative path to acquiring and maintaining ownership of property, our right to security (as the Fourth Amendment sets it forth) in our persons, our homes, and our personal effects. Obviously we are here to try to help everyone whom we can, but the truth is that we need to build a complete new edifice to compete with the banking cartel and monopoly which currently dominates America and, indeed, the world. The same American legal system, which currently serves and protects only the banks, was designed to serve and protect the people. “THIS LAND IS MY LAND, THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND, FROM CALIFORNIA, TO THE NEW YORK ISLAND, FROM THE REDWOOD FORESTS, TO THE GULFSTREAM WATERS, THIS LAND WAS MADE FOR YOU AND ME.”