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Foreclosure Defense Florida

This (not yet) Foreclosed Home, (poorly) Maintained By Bank of America (The Best Way To Rob A Bank Is To Own One)

Take a look around your neighborhood, any neighborhood in Amerika and you will see vacant and abandoned homes that are falling into disrepair.   Many times the homes have been abandoned by their rightful owners and many times the homes are languishing in a nether world…foreclosure not yet completed with ownership transferred to the bank that lied and committed fraud, fabricated some alleged right to foreclose.   The bank was just a straw party, propped up by the federal government to be the Face of Foreclosure, a fiction, a delusion placed their to distract judges and Amerikans from the real truth…the fact that the federal government is throwing its taxpaying hosts out into the street.   Fannie and Freddie and the other GSEs own the loans and, as such, they own a piece of the homes we all live in.   Take a look here and see just how quickly private-party originated loans become federal assets. (Fannie Bulk Sales)   You walk into a private bank, take out your home loan and before you know it, that loan is on a spreadsheet and owned by the feds.
Now I know the finer points here….some will argue the technical point that GSEs are not “the feds”, but let’s stop with the charade.   Whether it’s the formal conservatorship or the threat of one, they all answer to the same Imperial Master.   And then going higher up the food chain, the monetary and fiscal policy makers, the keepers of the Golden Rule (we who have the gold rule), Bernake, Paulson, Geithner, Blankfeld, Holder, Dimon, Moynihan…these guys are all going to do what benefits them and the financial elite they all serve.   Nowhere is this more on display than the staggering fact that one of their caste have been prosecuted.   Meanwhile, down here in the whisleblower’s caste, my friends are persecuted and prosecuted all the time. Why?   Because they dare to speak out, to sound the clarion call for truth and that fading notion of justice.

Did you hear about the Occupy protester who got arrested for robbing a bank?   Well, he didn’t actually rob a bank, he just stood outside a bank as part of a protest, holding a sign that read, “The Best Way To Rob a Bank is to Own One”…close enough.   I hope they just line the guy up and start firing on him.   While they’re at it, why not haul away all those protesters. No need for charges or trials, just ship them off…somewhere and let them rot away on Guantanamo. (Disappear the Protesters)
No, I’m not concerned about Brownshirts in Tampa, they’re just here to protect me from those malcontents who missed out on the memo, The United States Constitution Suspended Indefinitely.

Oops, sorry….wrong picture.   This one makes me feel much better now.   But notice all the gear….they’re certainly prepared for whatever clever signs the violently crazed mobs hurl their way. How many millions were spent to keep a few thousand protesters suppressed?   And how much damage were they all really planning to do anyway?   No matter, the convention will leave behind millions in Truth Squad Billy Clubs   and Skull Crackers just to make sure no other civilians get any ideas to start running their mouths… violation of the newly Amended and Restated First Amendment.

This is your new Amerika.   And these are just the opening scenes.   We haven’t even begun to experience the cuts in social and government services that are coming.   And now I’m not talking about food for starving babies or medical care for dying elderly…after all, who cares about those deadbeat freeloaders.   I’m talking about no more cops and first responders. (Except of course when they are repurposed for more important tasks like quashing riots and cracking skulls of malcontents.
God Help Amerika.