I could not comment on the attached article for the reasons stated in the article. What I can say is that the attorneys who I have the great privilege to work with in the middle of this debate show the very highest ethical and aspirational values of the profession of law. I am honored every day to serve in the trenches with these most exceptional people every day and to be part of the dramatic and powerful evolution that is blowing across this country. And now, like never before, this very public debate allows us all to consider the higher purpose and calling of the practice of law.
Law is a “profession” and classically there were only three professions. (Religion, Medicine and Law)
A profession is a vocation founded upon specialized educational training, the purpose of which is to supply disinterested counsel and service to others, for a direct and definite compensation, wholly apart from expectation of other business gain.
The profession of law has been often maligned, and in many cases, the public is justified in their criticism of our profession. But the practice of law, when its purpose and values are respected, is one of mankind’s three highest callings. I hope that what the public sees in the good work that lawyers are doing all across this country is the true soul of this profession. In a world where unbridled competition has corrupted our entire country and where the people have lost all faith, I want the general public to understand just how selfless and generous the lawyers who are practicing in the area of consumer law really are. All across this county lawyers are standing up and fighting for the most important and enduring principles that might still remain in this country.
The link below tells part of the story….the rest is up to you….