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Foreclosure Defense Florida

The Foreclosure “Crisis” in Florida, a 7,000 Waterfront Mansion…Abandoned By The Banks…Since 2009!


The picture above offers a stunning visual on the foreclosure “crisis” as it plays out in Florida.  Taxpayer dollars are being blown into a circuit court system that rewards banks that apparently couldn’t care less about the multi-million dollar property that they could foreclosure on…if they cared to.

The bank filed a foreclosure in 2009.  The homeowner didn’t even bother to respond. He was defaulted.  Fast forward to 2012….the bank forgets about their case and it’s dismissed.

Today 2013? No case.  Just an abandoned and rotting multi-million dollar home.  The windows are fogged with humidity inside.

And after a few months it will cost hundreds of thousands to repair.


Keep this photo in mind.  This photo represents exactly what is wrong in this country….well, just one of the things.  Don’t blame our courts. Don’t blame judges or foreclosure defense attorneys.  And certainly don’t blame people who are in foreclosure.

I do want people to take a hard look at homes like this and wonder why we are not examining what is occurring here.

Florida’s courts work. Florida’s judges do their job.  Focus on the banks and what they are doing to all of us and the economy.
