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Senior Presidential Advisor, The US is “Pretty Darn Fu**ked”

romerWow, when I first read the headline, I thought this was some kind of a spoof or an article from the esteemed journal, “The Onion”.   But no, I listened to the quote directly from the source’s mouth, in an interview with a reporter.

Wow, just consider that for a moment.   Not some right or left wing flunkie. Not some internet whack job….a Senior Advisor.   And not just any Senior Advisor, Wow, just Wow:

On the same night that Standard and Poor’s downgraded the United States’ top-level credit rating for the first time in history, Christina Romer, former chair of Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, didn’t mince words when asked of downgrade’s potential consequences.

The U.S. is “pretty darn f**ked,” Romer said during a segment on Real Time with Bill Maher called ” How F**ked Are We?”, after Maher asked what the new could mean for the U.S. economy.

Now I get that Goldman Sachs can call their deals, “Really Shitty Deals” in private emails between themselves, but when you have a high ranking official from the Presidential Circle really ratcheting up the whole vulgarity thing, that’s just scary.

But don’t just rely on my version, watch it for yourself:

Bill Maher