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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Saturday June 12th, 2010- Pinellas County Forum on Foreclosure Assitance

Pinellas County, and the entire Second District Courts of Florida really are leading the nation in efforts to bring practical solutions to the foreclosure crisis.   The problems with the current foreclosure system are exhibited in the recent appellate court decisions, particularly BAC Funding and Verizzo. The solutions that this circuit are developing including bringing in experienced senior judges to hear motions for the trial court judges.

Another, very timely example of a solution to the problems is the community forum that will be held on Saturday, June 12, 2010 at the Colleseum in downtown St. Petersburg. Sponsored by the St. Petersburg Bar Association and encouraged by local judges, this meeting will be an opportunity for homeowners and members of the community to meet with attorneys and members of the lending and court communities to discuss individual cases and talk about practical solutions, both to the systemic problems of foreclosure and to the problems with individual cases.

Please make plans to attend!

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