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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Robo Signing and Notary Fraud- Read The Depositions, THESE ARE CRIMES PEOPLE!

From Wikipedia:

In criminal law, a fraud is an intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual; the related adjective is fraudulent. The specific legal definition varies by legal jurisdiction. Fraud is a crime, and also a civil law violation. Defrauding people or entities of money or valuables is a common purpose of fraud.

Keep that definition in mind as you read carefully the depositions that were released by the Grand Jury sitting in Nevada. You can link here   to read the full transcripts, but the bottom line is, the Grand Jury in Nevada has determined that the widespread practices of the notaries that were indicted by the Grand Jury were…..wait for it…wait for it….wait for it…..


That’s right folks, when there are laws on the books that define certain acts as crimes…they are…..CRIMES!   Here’s how it works.   The Legislature passes laws.   Those lines clearly and very explicitly define that doing certain things….LIKE NOTARIZING DOCUMENTS WHEN THE PERSON SIGNING IS NOT IN FRONT OF YOU OR FORGING A NAME IS A CRIME!

I know, I know, most of you folks reading this live in Florida, so understanding this kind of thing is kind of tough.   So read that paragraph again.   But now think about this:

Florida’s Attorney General opened nine investigations into exactly the kind of conduct that has resulted in indictments in Nevada.

One more time:

Florida’s Attorney General opened nine investigations into exactly the kind of conduct that has resulted in indictments in Nevada.

Third time through:

Florida’s Attorney General opened nine investigations into exactly the kind of conduct that has resulted in indictments in Nevada.

So what’s gonna happen in Florida with all these depositions and indictments flying all around this pesky internet?   What’s an AG to do?

Or I ‘spose more importantly.   Let’s say I’m a robo signer or (my new favorite version of the scheme to defraud) let’s say I’m a robo-perjurer….I’m reading these depositions and I’m thinking to myself….

“I was just doing my job.   They told me to do it. They told me it was not against the law.”

(That’s known as the “Nurenburg Defense”)

Anywhoo….read the depositions….pretend like you’re sitting in that Grand Jury box…what are you going to do…..?