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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Proof that No Citizen is Safe While The Florida Legislature is in Session..

The Florida Legislature is in session and the banking and mortgage industries are hard at work trying to paper over the lies
and the dire consequences that they have created.  Consumers and citizens are grossly outgunned and the banks and their teams
of lawyers and lobbyists are working feverishly to overtake us.

Senate Bill 1072

695.28Validity of recorded electronic documents."”
  445         (1)"ƒA document that is otherwise entitled to be recorded
  446  and that was or is submitted to the clerk of the court or county
  447  recorder by electronic means and accepted for recordation is
  448  deemed validly recorded and provides notice to all persons
  449  notwithstanding:
  450         (a)"ƒThat the document was received and accepted for
  451  recordation before the Department of State adopted standards
  452  implementing s. 695.27; or
  453         (b)"ƒAny defects in, deviations from, or the inability to
  454  demonstrate strict compliance with any statute, rule, or
  455  procedure to submit or record an electronic document in effect
  456  at the time the electronic document was submitted for recording.

And its companion on the house side

Next a bill on the expansion of senior judges