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Foreclosure Defense FloridaGeneral Information


Max Gardner is a true leader in the fight for Americans.   Nye sent around a letter that I wanted to share:
Dear Fellow Advocates and Friends,

This life is filled with many ups and downs. Early this AM I got a great up that I shared with all of you. Now, I received a great down and ask your prayers and thoughts for my good friend and colleague, Max Gardner. Max was the VERY first lawyer to heed my advice and begin the practice or foreclosure defense in 2000 after our meeting at the NCLC meeting in Colorado.

Max has been a great source of strength, inspiration, and insight to me for over 12-years. Our history is well-documented in our recent 2-hour podcast found at Max has now publicly released a blog detailing his health issues that some of you know about at

Max is not going anywhere, but he’s cutting down on his boot camps and going to take care of himself and his life and wife. I love this man and would like all of you in this fight to love him too and keep him in your prayers. We all owe him a great deal of gratitude and prayers and positive energy sent his way and to his family is a small price to pay for what he has given and sacrificed for all of us!!!