I’m increasingly concerned that the banks and institutions, the Wall Street Fat Cats are too powerful, that they in fact own and control this country, everyone in it and that even our courts….the highest courts in the land…are not above being bullied and intimidated by the forces aligned against our fundamental American values like due process, fairness and liberty.
My latest fear comes in the form of the following disturbing Order released by the court in the case:
For more evidence of my fears, visit 4ClosureFraud for their analysis.
I fear the leadership and those that (theoretically at least) run this county, along with the banks and Wall Street Wizards that are destroying this country (and that really do run this country) are all huddled together and they’re buying into the mantra that WE’VE GOT TO KEEP THIS FORECLOSURE TRAIN MOVING…FULL STEAM AHEAD, DAMN THE TORPEDOES!
The thing that I find most disturbing about all of this is the threats of the institutions to the courts and the arguments that the very courts that are pushing these issues lack the authority or jurisdiction to pursue these institutions. If this position is allowed to develop, then we really are in desperate trouble in this country. Think about it. These banks and multi-national trusts and corporations file foreclosures against real property located within a state, then take the position that because they are banks and multi-national trusts, they are not subject to the laws, jurisdiction and regulations of the states in which they prosecute their claims….