Let’s be honest about what this legislation and all this effort is. The banksters, the document mills and the foreclosure firms have made an absolute disaster of their own files and our court system.
Remember that, because the elected people in Tallahassee don’t seem to get that and don’t seem to care what you or I have to say.
Most importantly, this “crisis” (now in its third year) is not about the courts not doing their job correctly or fast enough.
We all need to remind “them” that the reason why “they” cannot complete their cases is not because homeowners or defense attorneys are fighting the cases….the reality is in the vast majority of cases there is no defense filed…no, the reason why the cases are not moving is because the banks have gummed the files with false or misleading evidence or otherwise cannot….or do not want to pursue their own cases.
“They” have made such a disaster of this state’s court and real property system that there really is no easy way to solve this problem. And so what they’ve cobbled together is a messy Frankenstein of a piece of mess that I’m sure its drafters can’t really even figure out.
I’m pretty sure the banksters don’t like this thing. I know the homeowner’s associations don’t like this thing and there is nothing at all for homeowner’s to like. So what the hell is going on here? Well, that will come out in the days to come…this mess will be amended and then the Senate will take their crack at making Frankenstein. Word on the street is Senator Jack Latvala from St. Petersburg is working on his version of the senate bill right now.
The real insanity will come next week when both versions of Frankenstein are completed and they’re ready for presentation for all the members of Florida’s Legislature…then all bets are off.
We really need to celebrate all the good legislators (all of them democrats) who voted against this nonsense. They certainly deserve to be recognized and supported….but there are good representatives on the republican side that deserve to be recognized as well. Top on my list are Representative Peter Nehr of St. Petersburg and Representative Greg Stube of Bradenton….for asking real questions and for standing up for consumers.
The real question is just how ugly this gets between now and next week…