140 Associates v. Seacoast National Bank
Click on the link now to download the briefs that will be argued in this case. Capacity is an issue that is near and dear to my legal heart. To me the most basic issue is the huge problem that foreign trusts, foreign corporations and national banks are busy taking property all over this state (country) and no one has any idea who they are, where they are located or how to contact them when we’ve got problems with the judgment or with title.
After the recent Fortune Magazine article, the whole world is now understanding that the securitized trusts completely failed to comply with their own contracts and the regulation of these trusts is completely non-existent. (Read Fortune Magazine Article) We are going to be chasing real property titles and judgments down rabbit holes for decades because the pleading of capacity has been ignored for far too long.
Our Supreme Court has the opportunity here to start turning this ship around by providing real guidance here….