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Foreclosure Defense Florida


Bevilaqua v. Rodriguez, i.e. Ibanez II is the next Ibanzez-magnitude case that should shake the walls of the corrupt institutions that have wreaked so much havoc on our nation’s legal and financial institutions.   Read the story above and wrap your head around the consequences of the decision, both in that unique case, then in that entire state, then extrapolate that across the entire country.

The Massachusetts Supreme Court is asserting a bold and extraordinary principle…..The Courts Will Follow and Enforce The Laws.

WOW!   Extraordinary….let me restate this bold and earth shattering legal principle….The Courts Will Follow and Enforce The Laws.

Now, framing those two Supreme Court cases in the context of precisely the same factual and legal scenarios playing out in other courtrooms all across this country, I turn to a next most interesting factual and legal scenario.

It goes like this:

It becomes explicitly apparent through depositions and court transcripts that bank clients have been improperly executing and/or committing document and signature fraud in creating evidence that is submitted in court cases.   The evidence developed in these cases demonstrates that the bankster client admits this has been happening for years and that the practice impacts tens of thousands of foreclosure cases, both cases currently pending, and cases that have already resulted in the courts entering Final Judgments of Foreclosure.

Some of these Final Judgments of Foreclosure result in the banks owning properties subject to Toxic Titled property while still other Final Judgments of Foreclosure result in now “innocent” third parties owning properties purchased through foreclosure sales that are tainted with the Toxins that are systemic Fraudclosure.

Now as you consider all of this, please read carefully the attached Florida Bar 0pinion, then extrapolate the impact of the decision across tens of thousands of cases across the State of Florida…..
