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Foreclosure Defense Florida


Florida-LawsHey these are tough times and we all need something to cheer for right?   Well, there’s not much to cheer for in this country or in this state…in fact, things are worse than ever and getting worser.   (yeah i know, bad grammar, but hey, it’s early)

As Americans were always looking for comparisons, to see where we stack up to everyone else.   Now I know Florida is corrupt, hell, we all know.   I mean, we’ve got a role model for corruption sitting in the governor’s mansion, and like the press has talked about ad nasueum, he’s running our state like a criminal enterprise, ignoring public records requests and keeping the press and the voters in the dark about just about everything.   Who knows what dirty deals this guy is creating while flying around in his private jet like Lex Luther….but then, you elected him.

And then there’s the President of the Senate, Haridopolus, that world renowned author who wrote a best selling book on Good Government and got paid boatloads of cash….actually the book wasn’t nearly best selling, but he did get paid boatloads of cash.   The next powerful cat in the state is Dean Cannon, Speaker of the House.   He’s not a straight shooter either, but then….you elected him.

So the allegations of fraud and corruption run rampant in this state and it’s hard to keep them all straight, and we wonder….is Florida as bad as famously corrupt Illinois, New Jersey, Louisiana?   How do we stack up?   Well, it’s hard to know exactly, but I think Florida with all of it’s drunken, heat stroked voters makes a pretty good case for being the MOST CORRUPT STATE ON THE PLANET….

Why the Sarasota Tribune did a whole neato article on it and found…

More than 800 public officials were convicted in Florida on various charges between 1997 and 2007, making Florida the top state for government corruption, according to the grand jury.

It stretches from coast to coast and muddles everywhere in between…..

Sarasota Tribune