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FASCISM ALERT: Mayor Bloomberg Decrees, "Americans No Longer Are Entitled To The Protection of The United States Constitution"

I wish I were being overly dramatic with that headline.   But I’m not.   Read exactly what he said:

” Look, we live in a very dangerous world. We know there are people who want to take away our freedoms. ” Bloomberg said

Yeah, no shit like the entire US Government wants to strip away all of our freedoms…..did you see door to door gunpoint searches?   Rifles pointed at innocent Americans……

From one of the leading fascism propoents:

In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Monday the country’s interpretation of the Constitution will ” have to change” to allow for greater security to stave off future attacks.
” The people who are worried about privacy have a legitimate worry,” Mr. Bloomberg said during a press conference in Midtown. ” But we live in a complex word where you’re going to have to have a level of security greater than you did back in the olden days, if you will. And our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution, I think, have to change.”