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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Deutsche Bank hands out Millions of Dollars this Weekend

Deustche Bank, who has filed thousands of lawsuits as trustee for trusts in the State of Florida, made big news this weekend by handing out millions of dollars. There is just one catch, homeowners weren’t targeted by the bank. Instead, millions were given to professional golfers for placing highly in the 10th Annual Deutsche Bank Championship.
For consumers, this has to be the ultimate slap in the face. Deutsche Bank represents the face of the bank in the foreclosure which is trying to take their home. Every day consumers come into my office and lament that banks like Deutsche Bank “just wont work with them.” Instead of giving my client a modification that would be a win-win for all parties, Deutsche Bank is focusing its efforts on something far more important: who can pound a golf ball into a hole in the least amount of strokes.
I applaud Deustche Bank for its acts of philanthropy which are associated with this tournament. I just wish the bank gave a little less to the golfers and a little more to the homeowners.