The following post comes from the blog: Mandelman Matters:
I encourage you to log on and subscribe to his blog to read the entire article, his post starts below:
Stern is emblematic of everything that’s ugly and wrong with the mortgage banking and finance industries in this country. Whether all the allegations about him are true is irrelevant. In my view, he’s an unethical, arrogant, abusive and callous piece of itinerant garbage who obviously cares nothing about who he harms as he pursues his sole objective of putting people out of their homes as quickly as possible”¦ the sort of person that I personally might gladly go pay-per-view to watch get hit by a fast moving city bus.
Stern’s firm has been accused of gouging homeowners trying to get out of default, as exemplified by the 1998 class action lawsuit filed by Tallahassee attorney, Claude Walker on behalf of tens of thousands of homeowners alleging that Stern piled on excessive fees when they were trying to keep their homes. Stern settled the case for $2.2 million after a couple of years, and both the Florida Supreme Court and Florida State Bar Association reprimanded him for ” professional misconduct,” related to the case.