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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Congress Says: Banks May Be Guilty For Service Members Suicide/Homicide/Wrongful Death.

troop-suicides-foreclosureThis whole country should be seething with anger at the banks and criminal syndicates that have corrupted our country.   Nothing makes me more angry than how they’ve treated the men and women who serve in our armed forces.   It just disgusts me….

Lawmakers argued Feb. 9 that some of the suicides among American troops in recent years were related to financial woes, including failure to meet mortgage payments.
And as far as Rep. Bob Filner, D-Calif., is concerned, those deaths are the fault of banks that put profits ahead of troop welfare.
“I would call it homicide,” said Filner, the House Veterans Affairs Committee’s ranking member, during a hearing into why JP Morgan-Chase overcharged servicemembers’ on their mortgages and foreclosed on some troops’ homes. The bank now admits that it mistakenly charged too much interest on thousands of mortgages of activated troops who had qualified for a 6 percent rate under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act.
Filner said if he knew of a suicide directly linked to a servicemember going through a foreclosure he “would like to file a charge of wrongful death.”

Congress Blames Servicers