Okay, so it’s not actually Pavarotti, but I really like the quote, Henry Trawick and April Charney are the Pavarotti and Mick Jagger of Foreclosure Defense.
The quote really works because Trawick quite literally wrote the book on practice in Florida courts and has quite a bit to say about what Fraudclosure has done to our courts and April Charney, through Jacksonville Legal Aid really has changed the world.
Come see the masters perform! This is just one of the many examples of the legal profession standing up and serving our community, with such great leadership setting the tone for legions of attorneys who selflessly serve and who lead by example.
But this truly is one of the most beautiful duets ever recorded, just listen to the balance and harmony between Denver and Domingo. Close your eyes and just listen to the lilting exchange between these two. Focus on the richness of this frankly quite primitive production but experience how deeply the musci fills the room.