Somewhere, someone has got to stand up. Well, that somewhere is now.
The attached Order, just cannot be real. I have not been able to verify whether in fact this is a real order signed by a judge, but if it can be verified, this judge gets my award for Foreclosure Judge of The Year.
Now the Order is just so clear, so straightforward and honest.
It just speaks the plain truth.
I love the way it reads.
So is it true?
Well, we’re going to have to drill down and find out….but for now, just read and revel in the Order!
Read the Order slowly. Digest each sentence and think about the truth of the sentences and the paragraphs as they are so cleanly woven together. This Order reflects fundamental legal and formerly bedrock American principles. As you read the Order and think about where we are in this country today compared to this Order, you will see just how far off course we’ve gone.
God Bless the good judges all across this country who are standing up for their neighbors and for the Rule of Law!
Phillips v US Bank, N.A., Sup Ct Carroll Cty Ga.20111102