I have been begging for years now for persons in positions of power to wake up and realize that foreclosure is a threat to our national security. At some point in time, the American People are going to wake up, and express the simmering rage and anger in very, very destructive ways. It is a dangerous miscalculation to think Americans are going to continue to sit aside and watch their paychecks be sliced away, given to the banks. And just wait until they realize their lifetime’s wealth, the retirement accounts and investments they think they have were long ago robbed and pilfered by the banks. There will be an anger and a rage that our existing laws and civilian police cannot contain.
I have real concerns for the members of the United States Military and First Responders who suffer the same things other Americans suffer….but do so while bullets are flying at them. I repeat my commitment that no active duty soldier should face this alone and will consult with any member for free. I’ve represented many and provided great referrals for others. We must all stand together and do whatever it takes to show our soldiers a debt of gratitude for their service…..please contact me if I can serve.
But now read this most disturbing story from Bloomberg:
The housing finance setbacks that confronted Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales, the soldier accused of killing at least 16 civilians in Afghanistan, are one part of his story that many U.S. troops would recognize.
Bales and his wife owned a home in Washington state she was trying to sell for less than its mortgage and another that sits empty with a ” Do Not Occupy” sign from the city on the door. At one point, the couple owed more than $500,000 on the homes.
For soldiers who have been deployed to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, such financial pain may compound battlefield trauma, said Matthew Weidner, a Florida lawyer whose clients include service members facing foreclosure on their homes.