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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Big Lawyer, Big Bank Propoganda- Glarum Will Be The End of Times

florida-foreclosureThe national law firm of Greenberg Traurig issued an alert this week warning its lawyers that a 4th District Court of Appeal ruling in favor of Palm Beach County homeowners could ” dramatically change the foreclosure landscape in Florida.”

The Sept. 7 decision in the case of Gary and Anita Glarum versus LaSalle Bank says that an affidavit of indebtedness submitted by the bank was hearsay because the person who signed it did not have personal knowledge of the case. It reversed a 2010 Palm Beach County Circuit Court summary judgment that said the Glarum’s owed the bank $422,677.

” This decision could have broad sweeping application in the lending and loan servicing industries and effect thousands of foreclosure cases, among other types of cases,