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Bansters Buy Off Congress, Bizarre Tales, Name Changes and Brain Damage

SEC-Covering-WallStreetYesterday I did a post about how the bansters are violating the rights of men and women who serve in active duty by ignoring the Service Member’s Civil Relief Act. (SCRA)   The law is kind of simple…if bullets are whizzing past your head because you’re protecting this country, you shouldn’t have to sit on the phone with an operator from Bank of America, working in a call center in India to try and save your home from foreclosure.

The SCRA is being ignored, servicemembers are losing their homes while they are fighting and the banks are refusing to take any responsibility for this situation.   Some in Congress are suggesting, oh I don’t know, maybe we should um, look   into this…pretty please?   But others in Congress are refusing to allow any questioning of this most serious matter of national security…which brings us to story number 1…

Former Goldman Sachs VP Changes His Name, Now Is Top Staffer In Congress

So get this…”Pete” is a bagman for Goldman..he spends his time swatting away investigators and inquiries. (Apparently all it takes is a letter.)   “Pete” leaves his job at Goldman and then goes to work for the folks that should have been investigating his prior employer. (Talk about efficiency, he can just write the “leave Goldman alone” letter from the inside.)   Anywhoo, somewhere along the way, “Pete” changes his name to “Paul” in order to honor …..well, you just read the whole story here


SEC Has Terminal Brain Damage- Deleting Files of Investigations

The Securities and Exchange Commission is covering up Wall Street Crimes. (Isn’t it funny, that’s not even the headline, that’s just sort of part of the story.   But anywhoo, you really gotta read the whole Matt Taibbi article…pay attention to how a whistleblower is being persecuted because they were speaking out about corruption within the government…scary, very scary stuff.   (Rolling Stone Article Here)

Regulation isn’t a panacea. The SEC could have placed federal agents on every corner of lower Manhattan throughout the past decade, and it might not have put a dent in the massive wave of corruption and fraud that left the economy in flames three years ago. And even if SEC staffers from top to bottom had been fully committed to rooting out financial corruption, the agency would still have been seriously hampered by a lack of resources that often forces it to abandon promising cases due to a shortage of manpower. “It’s always a triage,” is how one SEC veteran puts it. “And it’s worse now.”

And you know what it all makes me?   It makes me Mad As Hell!