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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Attorney General (of course not florida attorney general) Brings Racketeering, Fraud Against Document Mill (but no relief for homeowners)

LANSING ““ Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette today announced he charged Lorraine Brown, former president of mortgage document processor DocX, with racketeering for her alleged role in authorizing the fraudulent signing of mortgage documents filed in Michigan.   The felony charge comes as the result of an ongoing Attorney General investigation into questionable mortgage documentation filed with Michigan’s Register of Deeds offices during the foreclosure crisis.
“Shortcuts like robo-signing are just one piece of the mortgage foreclosure crisis,” said Schuette.   ” Our investigation remains ongoing, and we will bring to justice every lawbreaker we find.”
In April 2011, Schuette launched an investigation after county officials across the state reported that they suspected Assignment of Mortgage documents filed in their offices may have been forged.   A ” 60 Minutes” news broadcast had shown that the name ” Linda Green” was signed to thousands of mortgage-related documents nationwide, but with many different variations in handwriting.   County officials in Michigan reviewed their files and found similar documents, thus raising questions about the authenticity of the documents filed.
(press release)