So there’s a little ole group of 50 Attorney Generals with fancy offices all across this country. Now in the olden days, the AG’s were the advocates For The People. After they get elected, by The People, they were handed a badge, given a big swift horse and a gun then they were given free reign to go take down bad guys and girls and even put one or two in jail.
But then came campaign finance, abject corruption and a political system that is owned and operated not by The People, but by The Corporations which are run primarily by the very bad guys and girls that the AG’s were supposed to be investigating. So now there ain’t so much investigating and very little imprisonating….it’s more like, well, it’s kinda like Matt Taibbi describes how things go over at the Securities and Exchange Commission, which is to say the foxes just own the henhouse….(they in fact turned the henhouse into a condo complex, then sold off the debt, then securitized the debt while at the same time trading derivatives and credit default swaps on the back end, but that’s a whole other story.)
Anywhoo, well the banksters are all pushing for a sweetheart deal that will allow them to moonwalk away for all their mortgage and fraudclosure-related crimes, and while many of the AGs seem content to ink some kind of sweetheart deal with their bankster benefactors (some even yammering on about how any help for consumers will result in some kind of apocalyptic moral hazard) one or two AGs from across the country seem to think that, well, I don’t know…that maybe that ain’t quite right and that maybe they should be holding out for a real deal for consumers….but such heresy cannot be tolerated in this country.
We cannot possibly enforce any penalty against the ruling criminal oligarchy in this country…after all, Wall Street is our Main Street, Right? Well when New York’s Attorney General Eric Schneiderman started speaking out, his reward is getting kicked out of the AG’s club…..
So sticking up for the Rule of Law is dangerous even for the top law enforcement officer in one of this country’s most important states. Kinda scary, huh? But read the Bloomberg report below:
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman was removed from a state group working on a nationwide foreclosure settlement with U.S. banks because his office ” actively worked to undermine” its efforts, the Iowa official leading the talks for the states said.
Schneiderman, who doesn’t want a settlement to block state investigations, was removed from the executive committee of state officials working on the deal, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller said today in a statement.
” New York has actively worked to undermine the very same multistate group that it had spent the previous nine months working very closely with,” Miller said. For a member of the executive committee, that ” simply doesn’t make sense, is unprecedented and is unacceptable,” Miller said. (Same Miller that is taking bajillions in campaign contributions from the banksters.) Full Story Here