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I just cannot understand how the Wizards of Wall Street continue to allow Matt Taibbi to run around this country TELLING THE TRUTH.

What is this country coming to when the banks and institutions that own this country cannot muster the wherewithal to strike back against Matt Taibbi, our modern day Paul Revere?

How can he say things like our economy is in peril because of the lies and fraud of Wall Street?

How can he get away with naming names and making very specific allegations of criminal wrongdoing?

Forget the fact that he is telling the truth.   In fact, it’s exactly because he is telling the truth that makes him so dangerous.   But Matt is doing a job.   The real question is what are you as an American who is directly impacted by this going to do?   Please pass this post along….that’s what you can do.



  • John Anderson says:

    I think their ready to shear the sheep again.
    The stock market has made a nice recovery based on nothing but manipulation by the FED and 2 big to fail banksters.
    So just before the next election, or shortly thereafter they will crash it down to around 7,000 on the Dow.
    Maybe people will listen then.

  • George Burns says:

    Wording headlines in this manner can be dangerous. There are many people who will think that you advocating action against Taibbi. You have to watch out for the “sound bite” mentality.

  • He speaks the truth with passion so he is dangerous to the animals that he prods with his first ammendment stick. I am proud to read every word that he says and would stand by his side if he is attacked.

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