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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Your Honor- Why Are You And Your JAs So Frazzled While the Millionaire Foreclosre Mills Make Millions?

The Tampa Tribune recently did a story on the SEC filings of the publicly traded component of Millionaire Foreclosure Mill component of the Law Offices of David Stern (article here), reporting that that component alone had profits of about $44.6 million in 2009 on revenues of $260.3 million.   That’s just one portion of the whole mill, and does not reflect the profits of the law firm itself.

In another effort to jack up more obscene fees, it has been reported that Stern’s office has bought a title company and will begin writing title insurance. (article here)

Now not just as a lawyer, but as a taxpayer, I want to know why my judges feel compelled to push cases through their docket quickly so Stern and others can make more obscene profits. I see how frazzled our JA’s are, juggling paper, grabbing phones directing people.


I understand courts have a job to do, but why they do not require these firms to   adhere to the same standards of practice and professionalism required of other real law firms and lawyers is absolutely beyond me.   How they are allowed to continue to throw garbage in front of judges, frantically call in to JA’s and generally abuse phone and other privileges while lining their pockets is just obscene.   The explanation that this problem just grew too fast is absurd and   an excuse.

The millionaire purveyors of foreclosure garbage can hire staff to communicate with lawyers and can force their clients to come to the negotiating table.

They can send lawyers to hearing….with the case file and all evidence.

They can communicate in an effort to resolve disputes before hearing.

They can force their clients to modify, accept short sales and settle cases….lawyers do it in every single other area of the law.

They can file cases correctly in accordance with the new Supreme Court Rules.


Judges have the ability to clear their dockets, relieve the courts and their staff of overwhelming case loads and recover some of the millions that all this failed court process has cost us all.

The New York Times recently reported on actions taken by federal and state judges to rein in abusive behavior. (article here)

Investigations like these are just the tip of the iceberg, and in many cases they will be too late.   But there are ways judges can and should slow this process down until we’ve all got time to see exactly where the bodies are buried.

I filed a Motion last week.   I’m sitting on it for now.   Just letting it simmer a bit.

It is a game changer.


  • Jennifer says:

    scary to think he [Stern] has a title insurance company too. There is a connection with Stern and Deutsche Bank. Pretty soon, we’ll all have one choice for our banking needs—Deutsche. One currency, new world order, one bank—Deutsche Bank. Headquartered in Frankfurt (known as the “twin towers”)…mmm….9/11….could it be this is when it all started?
    Deutsche bank executive resigns on9/14/2001 prompting specualations of 9/11 connection, Deutsche is also one of the four banks most used by the bin Laden family, Deutsche Bank reports in 2002 says Saddam Hussein’s Removal would benefit US and British Oil companies.
    Just something to ponder over. There is a much bigger scheme going on that hasn’t been uncovered yet….what I often ask myself, is what is going to happen when it gets uncovered? Yikes…

  • Miriam says:

    Matt, you are doing a great job and contribution we all appreciate!

    I am a victim of the fraud in Court and presently suffering for the way the foreclosure procedure has been conducted in our case which is horror and extremely painful. No one cares. .
    I am 65 years of age. Since 2008 I have been fighting this foreclosure with my husband, but unfortunately our house was sold on April 8th, 2010. The Judge in Circuit Ninth Orange County Orlando, deffinitely refused to accept that FDLG was lying as well as JPMChase. The Judge’s only concern was that we were living rent free, despite the fact that there is not a single piece of evidence in the complaint. The Judge didn’t care about missing assignments, etc. He didn’t care that I qualified for a Reverse Mortgage due to my age and equity in the house. The Judge didn’t care that my husband is a veteran with a delicate heart condition, two heart attacks and two heart surgeries, diabetic and mental treatment. The Judge didn’t care that Bank declined all our offers of payment in full, and he didn’t care that we lost the car and filed Chapter 7 discharged on Dec. 2008.
    The judge humilliated me in front of other people during our last hearing indicating that he was not going to tolerate anymore that I keep living free and taking advantage of the Bank losses.

    My husband and I are self employed as an artis doing greeting cards as a way of living.

  • M.R. says:

    Matt, you are doing a great job and contribution we all appreciate!

    I am a victim of the fraud in Court and presently suffering for the way the foreclosure procedure has been conducted in our case which is horror and extremely painful.
    I am 65 years of age. Since 2008 I have been fighting this foreclosure with my husband, but unfortunately our house was sold on April 8th, 2010. The Judge in Circuit Ninth Orange County Orlando, deffinitely refused to accept that FDLG was lying as well as JPMChase. The Judge’s only concern was that we were living rent free, despite the fact that there is not a single piece of evidence in the complaint. The Judge didn’t care about missing assignments, etc. He didn’t care that I qualified for a Reverse Mortgage due to my age and equity in the house. The Judge didn’t care that my husband is a veteran with a delicate heart condition, two heart attacks and two heart surgeries, diabetic and mental treatment. The Judge didn’t care that Bank declined all our offers of payment in full, and he didn’t care that we lost the car and filed Chapter 7 discharged on Dec. 2008.
    The judge humilliated me in front of other people during our last hearing indicating that he was not going to tolerate anymore that I keep living free and taking advantage of the Bank losses. The Judge was so mad at us that he practically has punished us taking advantage of all his power. He denied all our motions, even a request to waive bond during our appeal, which he refused and denied as well, requiring us to find a bond for $105,000 plus $15,000 attorneys fees.
    Our house was sold on February 22nd, and on April 8th we were evicted. I just have no words to explain the pain, confusion, madness, fear, just a mixture of adverse reactions a human can have.
    We were thrown out to the street with no car , little money and all of my art work, materials, equipment, just everything left inside and lost.
    The buyers gave us $1,400 to find a tentative place to live. We are being deprived to continue selling our work. This is like being sentenced for a crime we never comitted.
    Today we are in a little room with a computer, still fighting in Court, pending appeal (case is still open) and a discharge injunction in the Bankruptcy Court with an evidentiary hearing scheduled next May 13th. We have a very good case in both the appeal, but better yet in the bankruptcy discharged injunction. Of course, we cannot afford an attorney, so we are ProSe.
    We called every single agency in Orlando Florida, Fla. Bar, Orange County Bar, Legal Aid Soc. Seniors First, Senior alliance, Legal Community, The legislators, senators, etc. etc. etc. and no one, had a single idea on how to help us get at leat a part time legal counseling from a pro bono.
    Today, a neighbor just called to inform that all our personal items are out in the street in a huge garage sale, with a sign that says, “State Garage Sale” Our neighbor went into the house and told us that it was a mess, destroyed and looking vandalized. To my knowledge, this is stolen property. This broke my heart, it is terrible, just terrible.I am just running out of strength, but still with hope.
    I read Matt’s blog every single day and hour. Thank You Matt, you are my inspiration and light of HOPE.
    If any one has some idea, clue, or whatever legal help in contribution to our case, we will deeply appreciate it.
    We have a good case to sue for losses, suffering, fraud, destruction of property and wonder if there is a contingency fee attorney that could take our case.
    Thank You,
    M. R.

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